
russian armor

Strategy as allies

11 Mar 2015, 19:05 PM
avatar of Alexzandvar

Posts: 4951 | Subs: 1

If you want to call me a noob and laugh at my tactics, how about you fight me. I'll use mechanized, you can do whatever the hell you want. If you are just going to call people noobs without understanding the playstyle of the faction in question, then you may as well just head on over to the official forum, where you will be happy amongst your kind.

Have a nice day.

Being able to win with a doctrine despite it, isn't the mark of it being a good doctrine rather, the mark of being a good player. I'm not insulting you, but mechanized is really a shit doctrine compared to what you can get with the other USF commanders.

I would much rather have 1919's, or flamers, or pathfinders, or IR pathfinders, or Greyhounds, or Para's, or non-doc .50 cals and AT guns, or P47s than have a fucking WC51 truck or Ass Engines.

But lets all run into a blender with a scary mouth drawn on it named "forums drama".
11 Mar 2015, 19:07 PM
avatar of CookiezNcreem
Senior Strategist Badge
Donator 11

Posts: 3052 | Subs: 15

10-11min Sherman all day long.

Obers, vetted Volks + Panther or Jadgpanzer + Schwerer in the middle of the map + Pak43 - just garden me (Faymonville with OKW at south spawn with fortification is my nightmare).

in this case you need a new commander and build entirely i've found.

Infantry Company>4 Rifles>Ambu>Captain>Pack Howie(no mortar halftrack OpieOP) as soon as MP allows>M1919s>Nades>At gun for luchs,Light AT mines if i can as well,>Jackson and another ATG to prevent panther rush>Priest>TOT barrage combined for forward position assault with rifles supporting>GG

Doing fast sherman strat against fortifications is like going for stuart spam against Jagdpanzer 4 spam. Youre just bashing your head into the wall,gotta try new things even if it means losing a couple times as you adjust.

Since i started using this build/commander in 1v1 I never lose to fortification OKW anymore Unless the guy is just way better(when i used to lose to it all the time everytime.to weak opponents.)

A massive part of strategy in coh2 is Commander choice. you wouldnt go Jagdtiger against B4 would you? You wouldnt do ISU against Jagdtiger...Forward med base against katyusha?

so why gimp yourself out of true indirect fire when facing a campy doctrine? You still get M1919 elite infantry,you just lose P47(which you dont REQUIRE in most cases,i honestly think p47 reliance is noobish) and airdrop atg(you get one naturally).

The only thing is all suppression is reliant on the riflemen.(or the fighting positions they can place with this doc) You also cannot afford to lose a squad at all,and munitions is somewhat important.
11 Mar 2015, 19:10 PM
avatar of comm_ash
Patrion 14

Posts: 1194 | Subs: 1

Being able to win with a doctrine despite it, isn't the mark of it being a good doctrine rather, the mark of being a good player. I'm not insulting you, but mechanized is really a shit doctrine compared to what you can get with the other USF commanders.

I would much rather have 1919's, or flamers, or pathfinders, or IR pathfinders, or Greyhounds, or Para's, or non-doc .50 cals and AT guns, or P47s than have a fucking WC51 truck or Ass Engines.

But lets all run into a blender with a scary mouth drawn on it named "forums drama".

Alright, so go ahead and take you preferred units. You have not given a reason why dodge is a noob trap, so I would like you to explain why you think so without just claiming "experience." That is called discussion. If you are going to have an intelligent conversation about this, then do so, otherwise we will just continue discussing allied strategy without you.

Now, onto the actual reason we have this thread, has anyone found a good way to make use of the vehicle crew thompsons or the bulldozer cover yet?
11 Mar 2015, 19:17 PM
avatar of Alexzandvar

Posts: 4951 | Subs: 1

Alright, so go ahead and take you preferred units. You have not given a reason why dodge is a noob trap, so I would like you to explain why you think so without just claiming "experience." That is called discussion. If you are going to have an intelligent conversation about this, then do so, otherwise we will just continue discussing allied strategy without you.

Now, onto the actual reason we have this thread, has anyone found a good way to make use of the vehicle crew thompsons or the bulldozer cover yet?

The WC51 truck is just not worth dumping the fuel into early game. You need things like nades, bars, and teching, not a bloody truck that dies to small arms fire EXTREMELY easy.

Recall is pointless because the early game vehicles have TONS of utility late game, and the Ass engines and HT are bloody expensive for what they actually do.
11 Mar 2015, 19:23 PM
avatar of comm_ash
Patrion 14

Posts: 1194 | Subs: 1

The WC51 truck is just not worth dumping the fuel into early game. You need things like nades, bars, and teching, not a bloody truck that dies to small arms fire EXTREMELY easy.

Recall is pointless because the early game vehicles have TONS of utility late game, and the Ass engines and HT are bloody expensive for what they actually do.

You aren't dumping fuel into it, that's the point. Recall nets you back 90% of the dodge's cost (not sure the exact amount). I would rather have my first sherman out 50 fuel faster than have to micro an AA HT against a JP4 or a pair of paks.

Getting Bars before LT is a waste as you will not have muni for the upgrades, and nades will just be bleeding muni that you don't really need to spend.
11 Mar 2015, 19:24 PM
avatar of Australian Magic

Posts: 4630 | Subs: 2

Eh... you do realize that doctrine can be choosen even after 15min (especially as OKW since you dont lack anything is stock units)?
Point is you can't think that you can't make a Sherman because he might go for fortifications.
It works in both ways.
You can get infantry because he might go for fortifications.

USF need doctrine earlier cause of LMG, Paras, AT gun and many other reasons while OKW can wait.

Point is, infantry doctrine forces you to go for captain so you are losing M20 mines (that design...) and early game advantage (M20 or AA) which can help you to cut off OKW player from fuel.

Im not saying it's bad doctrine. It's very good but it forces to me go for Captain.
11 Mar 2015, 19:26 PM
avatar of Alexzandvar

Posts: 4951 | Subs: 1

You aren't dumping fuel into it, that's the point. Recall nets you back 90% of the dodge's cost (not sure the exact amount). I would rather have my first sherman out 50 fuel faster than have to micro an AA HT against a JP4 or a pair of paks.

Getting Bars before LT is a waste as you will not have muni for the upgrades, and nades will just be bleeding muni that you don't really need to spend.

It nets you back 70% of the cost, and at 10 fuel when USF starts with the LEAST fuel of any faction that's a big fucking investment. So whoopdedo, you got 7 fuel back, only 43 more to go!

Nades will wipe squads, smoke out MG's break formations.

How does the recall ability justify the WC51 truck when you know, you could just not go mechanized and not have to use recall to make up for having such a poor investment.

Getting BAR's is never a waste, because it gives such a massive leg up against all the basic Axis infantry, and nades will allow you to make his MG's quite useless unless he has god tier micro.
11 Mar 2015, 19:30 PM
avatar of comm_ash
Patrion 14

Posts: 1194 | Subs: 1

It nets you back 70% of the cost, and at 10 fuel when USF starts with the LEAST fuel of any faction that's a big fucking investment. So whoopdedo, you got 7 fuel back, only 43 more to go!

Nades will wipe squads, smoke out MG's break formations.

How does the recall ability justify the WC51 truck when you know, you could just not go mechanized and not have to use recall to make up for having such a poor investment.

Getting BAR's is never a waste, because it gives such a massive leg up against all the basic Axis infantry, and nades will allow you to make his MG's quite useless unless he has god tier micro.

Bars will not be useful until you have enough, which will be 180 mu to equip one per squad. There is no reason to get BAR so early. Ditto on nades, when all you need to do is flank to do the same damage as smoke would. The whole point of the WC51 is that it gives you the flexibility to kill a Kubel (240 manpower), find and harass a forward battlegroup HQ position, and generally be a menace on the battlefield.
11 Mar 2015, 19:38 PM
avatar of Alexzandvar

Posts: 4951 | Subs: 1

Bars will not be useful until you have enough, which will be 180 mu to equip one per squad. There is no reason to get BAR so early. Ditto on nades, when all you need to do is flank to do the same damage as smoke would. The whole point of the WC51 is that it gives you the flexibility to kill a Kubel (240 manpower), find and harass a forward battlegroup HQ position, and generally be a menace on the battlefield.

It's no 180 muni to equip one squad, it's 120. and Nades don't cost 180 munitions either.

The WC51 can't kill a kubel quickly either, the Kubel has more than enough health to reverse away while you WC51 dies to enemy small arms fire. And your not going to be harassing his BG HQ because the last thing you want is to sit your fragile scout car next to a HQ you can't do any damage to while he can just reinforce and kill your truck.

Or he went Mechanized, in which case your fucked because he's going to get a Flak trak out and wipe the floor with you because instead of teching/nades/rifle upgrades you went for a useless truck.

It just seems like you don't understand that the WC51 is like a scout car but worse in every way, significantly so in many areas.
11 Mar 2015, 19:46 PM
avatar of Alexzandvar

Posts: 4951 | Subs: 1

I actually tried to find a squad with lower DPS than the WC51 truck but I'm still looking.

OUSTRUPPEN have more dps at every range! :lolol:
11 Mar 2015, 19:59 PM
avatar of Alexzandvar

Posts: 4951 | Subs: 1

This is to funny, there isn't a single infantry squad in the game with less DPS than WC51 truck, and there isn't a single vehicle in the game either.

Unless you can the MG42 mounted on the Stuka or Panzerwerfer lmao
11 Mar 2015, 20:23 PM
avatar of CookiezNcreem
Senior Strategist Badge
Donator 11

Posts: 3052 | Subs: 15

I understand where youre coming from. But the dynamic here is that

You're in the loading screen,you see fortifications,Scavenge,and luftwaffe. The map is Faymonville. You check CELO and see this guy is top 50. What do you think hes gonna do? Even if he doesnt go for fortifications,captain infantry company build is very strong against OkW,as it makes you more soviety.

Rifles are still the best nonelite infantry in the game simple as that,and you can definitely cut off okw fuel with 4 rifles. He needs 4 volks or Mgs in return to have a chance against that many well handled rifles,and if you wipe a squad or two or steal an MG...he's done.

sure its Not as strong as M20 sherm rush,youre not gonna win in 10 mins with infantry company unless you really own with your rifles,but would you rather "drag" the game out and beat the guy with solid positioning and combined arms(which is very much possible with this build) or put all your hopes and dreams into believing he cant stop the M20 and sherman for a 10 min GG. I've found the former to be more consistent,more interesting,different,and more rewarding especially against good players that are almost always likely fortifications users because its so good against m20 fast sherman builds.
11 Mar 2015, 21:42 PM
avatar of Australian Magic

Posts: 4630 | Subs: 2

And that's why I dont like Infantry in 1v1. It's like preparing for long game. Versus OKW I will whatever it takes to not let them survive till late game.

Rifle, Recon, Mechanized. I like in 1v1 because they allow me to strike with huge power in the first minutes. It's risky but I would smash my enemy in early game and dealy his late game for 5-10min rather than equal battle with preparations for late game from both sides.

It's just my philosophy in 1v1.
Same with Soviets.
Cons Cons... Engi with flamers, T70, T34, GG.
11 Mar 2015, 21:51 PM
avatar of dasheepeh

Posts: 2115 | Subs: 1

~sometimes~, yeah the fact it has 1 good ability in the return for resources, which is pointless anyway since you shouldn't even be building stuarts to recall.

Every other USF commander other than Armored is better, all mechanized does is serve as a noob trap to people who legit actually like WC51 trucks are on par with Scout Cars or that unironically think the USF AA HT or the M20 is useless past the early game.

Mechanized is amazing. In 1v1's atleast. Doesnt look like you have any experience with that gamemode.
11 Mar 2015, 23:36 PM
avatar of CookiezNcreem
Senior Strategist Badge
Donator 11

Posts: 3052 | Subs: 15

Mechanized over infantry. Mechanized is trash in 1v1,im afraid.

Lol I Disagree with it but DO YOU man. its your life. xD

Personally I dont like every single USF game being a "I GOTTA KNOCK HIM OUT NOW NOW NOW RISK RISK RISK 5 4 3 2 1!!!...damn that truck set up..damn i lost my Wc51....here comes the obers.......welp surrender"

I didnt spend 120 dollars and counting to play the game that way.

It just doesnt have to be that way. XD

Sometimes I just want to beat the guy because im just better. I dont believe in USF lategame weakness against OKW in 1v1. You just gotta Adapt ,and sometimes the guy is just better.
11 Mar 2015, 23:47 PM
avatar of Australian Magic

Posts: 4630 | Subs: 2

Mechanized over infantry. Mechanized is trash in 1v1,im afraid.

Lol I Disagree with it but DO YOU man. its your life. xD

Personally I dont like every single USF game being a "I GOTTA KNOCK HIM OUT NOW NOW NOW RISK RISK RISK 5 4 3 2 1!!!...damn that truck set up..damn i lost my Wc51....here comes the obers.......welp surrender"

I didnt spend 120 dollars and counting to play the game that way.

It just doesnt have to be that way. XD

Sometimes I just want to beat the guy because im just better. I dont believe in USF lategame weakness against OKW in 1v1. You just gotta Adapt ,and sometimes the guy is just better.

And yet somehow I have better ratio :D

Waiting for late game to deal with Panther, Obers and KT is stupid when you can bleed your enemy in early game, maybe finish it sometimes and still have everything you need in late game.
11 Mar 2015, 23:53 PM
avatar of CookiezNcreem
Senior Strategist Badge
Donator 11

Posts: 3052 | Subs: 15

And yet somehow I have better ratio :D

Waiting for late game to deal with Panther, Obers and KT is stupid when you can bleed your enemy in early game, maybe finish it sometimes and still have everything you need in late game.


You're +12 over .500 with 90 games, Im +31 with 293 games.

im better and more expierenced in all modes as USF. why bring playercards into this.

We have differring philosophies,both work well.

12 Mar 2015, 12:39 PM
avatar of pussyking
Donator 11

Posts: 551

10-11min Sherman all day long.

First two Shermans can be devastating against OKW.
If I feel I can win around 20min I make third Sherman.

Great AI, good AT + AT gun support.

If I pushed back my enemy, yet still he is in game, then it's time to switch tactic.
Shermans become useless vs Jadgpanzers or Panthers.
Now it's the time to keep them alive unitl you have enough fuel for different units.
Most deadly part agasint OKW is about to begin.

Obers, vetted Volks + Panther or Jadgpanzer + Schwerer in the middle of the map + Pak43 - just garden me (Faymonville with OKW at south spawn with fortification is my nightmare).

Now it's the time for two Scotts. Thery are doing great job agasint Pak or Trucks but one Panther rush and they are gone so it's damn hard to use them.
You need to lay down AT mines in crucial points so Panther won't get them, but again it's huge micro... 2 Scotts, 3 Rifles (or 2 Paras), 2 Jacksons, maybe 1 Sherman which stayed alive.
All units damn fragile, few seconds and they are gone but when coordinated well enough, such comb might be amazing but again... You can shoot with Scotts, flank with Jacksons, reverse with Scotts, lay mine and push with infantry at once. Add pathing issues which are deadly for USF and Scotts will vanish is a blink of an eye.

When you get two shermans AND two scotts, OKW will have two panthers and thats pretty much a GG in a 1 v 1
12 Mar 2015, 12:41 PM
avatar of Australian Magic

Posts: 4630 | Subs: 2

When you get two shermans AND two scotts, OKW will have two panthers and thats pretty much a GG in a 1 v 1

And where I said anything about 2 Shermans and 2 Scotts :huhsign:

If you look closer, you will find something different - 2 Scotts, 2 Jacksons.
12 Mar 2015, 13:02 PM
avatar of pussyking
Donator 11

Posts: 551

And where I said anything about 2 Shermans and 2 Scotts :huhsign:

If you look closer, you will find something different - 2 Scotts, 2 Jacksons.

Allright, shrek volks will get some of that so it gonna require a lot of micro to get things wokring.

And whats the plan? Drain OKW manpower by shooting volks with scotts?

BTW Two jacksons wont hold against two panthers

Late game USF vs OKW is not in the US favor you know
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