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How to improve pathfinding

10 Mar 2015, 13:16 PM
avatar of Inverse
Coder Red Badge

Posts: 1678 | Subs: 5

relic's team is clearly to small for what they're trying to do so hire more people."

The post you linked directly undermines this statement, since Valve's Dota 2 team is smaller than Relic's CoH2 team.
10 Mar 2015, 14:56 PM
avatar of RMMLz

Posts: 1802 | Subs: 1

Haha nah, my bosses are great, and so is the team I work with. It's just funny because the evidence given in the OP actually directly contradicts the argument it was meant to support. He's saying "Relic needs a bigger team, and to prove my point I'm going to show you work done by a smaller team than Relic currently has."

Ignorance has no boundaries, you don't need to explain anymore. Your previous posts were informative enough. People who suggest management ideas for the game to improve, have no idea about how game developing works, specially programming.

Regarding OP:

I'm currently working on an indie project, and I'm suppose to design a simple AI with UE4's Blueprint, and I have to tell you that adding more programmers is not gonna help, it takes a lot of time for them to understand your workflow and your code, and even when working with simplified non-coding, object oriented softwares like blueprint, it's still hard for new comers to understand what you've done. I would pick modeling and design any day, but I'm stuck with AI BS.

As Inverse said, it's not a manpower issue. You can speed up production by hiring more modelers, texture designers, animators etc, but this is not the case when you are facing bugs. The pathing might not get any better, and they can't do anything about it. AI is a pain in the ass
11 Mar 2015, 01:54 AM
avatar of Nuclear Arbitor
Patrion 28

Posts: 2470

jump backJump back to quoted post10 Mar 2015, 13:16 PMInverse

The post you linked directly undermines this statement, since Valve's Dota 2 team is smaller than Relic's CoH2 team.

which would be a fine argument if CoH2 was in as good shape as DotA2 is.
11 Mar 2015, 02:00 AM
avatar of Inverse
Coder Red Badge

Posts: 1678 | Subs: 5

which would be a fine argument if CoH2 was in as good shape as DotA2 is.


Furthermore, Dota 2 has never had a larger team than CoH2. Again, you've given no evidence that adding manpower would equate to more success for CoH2; in fact, the one piece of evidence you have provided supports the idea that smaller teams are more successful.
11 Mar 2015, 02:58 AM
avatar of FappingFrog

Posts: 135

11 Mar 2015, 10:12 AM
avatar of Nuclear Arbitor
Patrion 28

Posts: 2470

jump backJump back to quoted post11 Mar 2015, 02:00 AMInverse


Furthermore, Dota 2 has never had a larger team than CoH2. Again, you've given no evidence that adding manpower would equate to more success for CoH2; in fact, the one piece of evidence you have provided supports the idea that smaller teams are more successful.

the giant bug list for dota2 represents the many times larger player base and better reporting of bugs. one doesn't have play either for very long to figure out that bugs play a much larger role in basic game play with CoH2 than they do with DotA2. part of this is likely due to (what i assume is) a much more complicated back end on CoH2 than DotA2. i'm aware that path finding is horrendously complicated and CoH2 has to mix squad and model path finding plus different pathing types (infantry, vehicle, setup at least) in addition to often having more things interacting at once. it's far from impossible though, supcom 2 being a pretty good example.

you're correct that i have little evidence for relic needing more people. my argument for that is: they have several job postings, issues are not present due to lack of reporting, issues are not present due to lack of time, issues only get promptly fixed when they break auto-match, relic often introduces/reintroduces issues in patches, and they have a (small) history of short staffing their games (see the last several months of DoW2:ret, exigent circumstances not withstanding).

from that i draw two conclusions; 1, relic is systemically incompetent, or 2, relic is understaffed. i think the second more likely.

would instantly adding people, even magically qualified ones, suddenly solve the issue? no, but if manpower is the issue then it should in the future, once people got up to speed.
11 Mar 2015, 11:13 AM
avatar of JohnnyB

Posts: 2396 | Subs: 1

the giant bug list for dota2 represents the many times larger player base and better reporting of bugs. one doesn't have play either for very long to figure out that bugs play a much larger role in basic game play with CoH2 than they do with DotA2. part of this is likely due to (what i assume is) a much more complicated back end on CoH2 than DotA2. i'm aware that path finding is horrendously complicated and CoH2 has to mix squad and model path finding plus different pathing types (infantry, vehicle, setup at least) in addition to often having more things interacting at once. it's far from impossible though, supcom 2 being a pretty good example.

you're correct that i have little evidence for relic needing more people. my argument for that is: they have several job postings, issues are not present due to lack of reporting, issues are not present due to lack of time, issues only get promptly fixed when they break auto-match, relic often introduces/reintroduces issues in patches, and they have a (small) history of short staffing their games (see the last several months of DoW2:ret, exigent circumstances not withstanding).

from that i draw two conclusions; 1, relic is systemically incompetent, or 2, relic is understaffed. i think the second more likely.

would instantly adding people, even magically qualified ones, suddenly solve the issue? no, but if manpower is the issue then it should in the future, once people got up to speed.

The problem these days is that for some while any company activating in any market is trying to obtain the most of it's business with the smallest costs, even sacrificing quality. And one of the most expensive resources in a company are usualy salaries, reason for which a smaller number of employees would be more profitable => the number of existing personnel is increased only when there are no other options and usualy not with the best people (because good professionals are also expensive) while the current employees are worked to their limits in order to provide the expected results. These are the times, what can you do? It's a good tactic for short-terms but in future this can prove not to be that good, because customers are looking for quality. But if everybody in market are doing the same, the quality differences won't be so obvious and people will be fine with what they get - so in such market this tactic is okay for long-term too.
11 Mar 2015, 17:42 PM
avatar of IpKaiFung
Benefactor 115

Posts: 1708 | Subs: 2

from that i draw two conclusions; 1, relic is systemically incompetent, or 2, relic is understaffed. i think the second more likely.

First conclusion is closer to the truth than you would like to believe.
12 Mar 2015, 01:26 AM
avatar of Nuclear Arbitor
Patrion 28

Posts: 2470

jump backJump back to quoted post11 Mar 2015, 11:13 AMJohnnyB

The problem these days is that for some while any company activating in any market is trying to obtain the most of it's business with the smallest costs, even sacrificing quality. And one of the most expensive resources in a company are usually salaries, reason for which a smaller number of employees would be more profitable => the number of existing personnel is increased only when there are no other options and usually not with the best people (because good professionals are also expensive) while the current employees are worked to their limits in order to provide the expected results. These are the times, what can you do? It's a good tactic for short-terms but in future this can prove not to be that good, because customers are looking for quality. But if everybody in market are doing the same, the quality differences won't be so obvious and people will be fine with what they get - so in such market this tactic is okay for long-term too.

every company is trying to make the biggest net profit possible; that's the point of a company. some put too much emphasis on profit though. and yes, wages are usually the single biggest cost for anything, and that includes stuff that's not directly visible, like healthcare, insurance, benefits when offered etc. ballpark figure i've heard is that actual salary is twice the take-home, before tax.

that said, you can only do so much before you need more people.

First conclusion is closer to the truth than you would like to believe.

<444>_<444> there are a lot of signs that point that way unfortunately.
12 Mar 2015, 01:33 AM
avatar of van Voort
Honorary Member Badge

Posts: 3552 | Subs: 2

I will go with:

3: Random People on the Internet are wrong
12 Mar 2015, 01:41 AM
avatar of IpKaiFung
Benefactor 115

Posts: 1708 | Subs: 2

Target Weakpoint fixed by an alpha tester using Attribute Editor tools by changing projectile type. Fix never implemented or discussed by developers.

February patch fix to TWP, changes TWP to time ability. Fixes the issue with TWP until crew is killed while TWP is active, re-crewed gun now stun locks vehicles.

Patches going through lengthy QA processes. Many changes mentioned in patch notes do not make or changes not in patch notes make it in. Shows that QA do not spend any time comparing patch notes with what's in the patch. This has got slightly better but was awful in the patches post WFA launch.

There was one occasion with the Kubelwagen where quite a few stats were tweaked. Some of the tweaks in the notes were omitted from the actually patch. Peter just deleted the omissions from the patch notes instead.
12 Mar 2015, 01:41 AM
avatar of Nuclear Arbitor
Patrion 28

Posts: 2470

I will go with:

3: Random People on the Internet are wrong
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