- Resource and Unit transfers: You can transfer your units and resources to any player (even enemy players!). Is your OKW team mate being a bossy b*tch (they might have said something like this: "BUILD FUEL CACHES", "BUILD MED BUNKER HERE")? Well, build a Pioneer squad and transfer that to your OKW team mate. They can now build their own damn resource caches and medic bunkers.
- Resource transfers: 100 Manpower OR 25 Munitions OR 25 Fuel per transfer
- Tactical map Arrows:
- Set Origin position, set Heading position, Toggle visibility
- Tactical map Circle area marker:
- Set Origin position, Toggle visiblity
- All tactical map symbols are mapped to correct player colors (e.g. First ally = yellow, second ally = cyan, thrid ally = green)
- All Mines are automatically marked on map. If a mine explodes, its icon will turn red and disappear after 10 seconds.
- All Mine plant and explosion actions are highlighted with click-able event cues (Similar to "Pioneer Squad Completed")
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