most people know me as the writer of the most constructive critique in this forum (beside lolcake). Even though I was really allies-biased, I spend most of my playtime in the last weeks to pay axis. I didn't buy the Western Front Armies add-on because I was a bit disappointed of the last patch. So, in order to improve myself I went to the battlefield as a proud member of ze Ostheer! I really enjoyed playing the other side and slowly I started to dislike the allies due to their spammy playstyle (which is caused by the bad faction design on ally side).
Beside of some issues (like the one shotting monster ISuckU 152) I found balance was in a "mediocre" status. The ostheer needed (and it still does) some love because obvious things like the unbelievable expensive teching to get a panther (just to get swarmed by T 34 and killed) were in need of a change. Mostly I play CoH2 with my mates so I'm not a 1vs1 player. I know, most of you are happy when 1vs1 is well balanced but I think a game with such pussibilities like CoH 2 needs to pursue higher aspirations and also offer good team games.
Yesterday I felt really excited when I heard the patch came out (like I do every time CoH gets a patch). I read the patch notes and immediately wanted to play a game with ze Ostheer to check the new features. Though I really felt disappointed. In 9/11 games you face a huge blob of allied infantry. Especially the USF one is tremendous strong so that you can't beat them alone with your Grenadiers on most maps due to the lack of long range fighting pussibilities. The average RTS player sees "Okay, my enemy has a lot of infantry so I build 1 or 2 MG's to pin them!". This is also what I see. But what I'm really angry about is that such a strong infantry like the riflemen get the smoke grenade in order to counter their hardcounter! I mean you need at least 1 MG AND your main infantry which get absolutely destroyed by flanking riflemen. Thus I'm pretty disappointed about the new infantry combat. Why the hell have the riflemen a "Slightly advantage" at long range as it is written in the patch notes??? I thought every unit should have it's ad - and disadvantages? I don't see the disadvantages of US infantry as long as they are in cover.
Next point is the huge nerf for the Stormpioneers. As mentioned above I don't play OKW, so my team mates fill this gap to have more pussibilities in our team games. I was shocked about what I saw. Allied infantry absolutely denied the Stormpioneers, even at mid - close range. You hop from cover to cover to charge them... futile, because only 2 men are left! Okay... But what I absolutely can't understand is the LMG nerf for the Ostheer! Even before the patch it was hard against US infantry, but now you just get raped by the masses... I really believe the balance guys watched Inglorious Basterds 10 times in a row and I wonder why there is no "Engrave swastikas into the krauts forehead - 2 munition" ability...
Even though I was happy about the things Relic took care about: The priority function for Paks and tanks, the conscript dps buff etc.
But when I saw Cruzz's thread about the ninja changes I almost puked.
How do you guys feel about it? I look forward to your opinions and experiences!