@Jason: right now there is no program allowing you to do that in COH2 and no maphack yet, but from my experience with the FP forum it's definitely possible to cause them even without a specific program to cheat (if you have enough knowledge on how to do it).
From what I understood till now: (I deserve the right to be partially wrong since Relic didn't unveil exactly all the mechanics behind it)
"Battle servers" are a mid solution between dedicated servers and p2p and they are currently being tested in the beta of COH2. Basically you connect to Battle servers before connecting to the other player, which means:
-if you drophack/sycnhack you are doing it to the BattleServer, that would give you the loss directly because the system would recognize you are the one who disconnected/were the source of de-sync.
-who lags is the only one perceiving it, others won't notice it (which means games should have way way less lag in team games and even in 1vs1 if you play with someone who lives way far from you)
-Observer mode and better replay features will be possible to build with the Battle Servers infrastructure (sever sided features)
That being said, in the interview Quinn said that they are planning to give COH1 all the functionalities it had before and they hope to bring Battle Servers to COH1 too (you will see the interview published tomorrow also on coh2.org youtube account in case someone gets interested to hear exactly the words Quinn used

), which might help with the current issues with the game (together with at least another patch since Quinn also said that Smoking Guns are still working to fix the game that is clearly not fixed).
Apart from the fixes the game needs, patching the game is just a way to temporarly fix the maphack issues but there is no permanent solution unless you make the game entirely server side (which something that even in a game like Starcraft II doesn't happen because it would cost too much and it would not be feasible considering the high amount of data to tranfer in single game - and do not bring in League of Legends/Dota 2 because in those games you effectively control only 1 or very very few units and the games have huge numbers of players, that's the reasons because it's technically and economically possible to do that).
Or unless you create another Fair Play Team (or something similar) and you put it to work like we did on Gamereplays: it would require a lot of effort but it would at least decrease the maphacking issues.