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INPUT LAG Relics Lost Cause

21 Dec 2013, 10:32 AM
avatar of Player

Posts: 22

Even in 1v1's, I have a lag around 1-5/2 seconds, what makes it unplayable. I did not had this before however, just start noticed it last days. Is there something i can do, or is it just because of the game?
21 Dec 2013, 14:04 PM
avatar of Inverse
Coder Red Badge

Posts: 1678 | Subs: 5

You can't play an RTS competitively with 300 ping. There are just too many situations that require quick reactions (dodging grenades, reversing vehicles away from AT guns, dodging infantry, dodging mines, etc.). Even 150 ping is stretching it a lot of the time.
22 Dec 2013, 05:00 AM
avatar of spajn
Donator 11

Posts: 927

jump backJump back to quoted post21 Dec 2013, 14:04 PMInverse
You can't play an RTS competitively with 300 ping. There are just too many situations that require quick reactions (dodging grenades, reversing vehicles away from AT guns, dodging infantry, dodging mines, etc.). Even 150 ping is stretching it a lot of the time.

in sc2 korean players would own up europe/US ladder anyday they wanted... and coh's low skilled community i promise you 150 ping should barely handicap someone enough that they cant be competative with this community...
22 Dec 2013, 05:22 AM
avatar of Inverse
Coder Red Badge

Posts: 1678 | Subs: 5

So what you're saying is, if you're vastly superior to your opponent, you can beat them even with poor latency? Colour me shocked.

There were dozens upon dozens of SC2 tournaments where matches were skewed in favour of slightly lower-skilled players because of cross-region latency issues (see NASL, TSL3, and lots more). It was a big enough deal that some top players refused to play tournament matches in other regions because of latency. Tournaments would grant higher seeds their choice of region because they realized how big a deal it was, and still is.

Latency is huge when you're playing any RTS competitively. It's already hard enough being fast enough to catch everything and do everything you need to be doing at once. If I react correctly to a situation, I damn well better get properly rewarded for that reaction and not screwed over by latency recording the command a second later.

Any ping over 150 is incredibly frustrating to play with if you're trying to compete, regardless of the game.
22 Dec 2013, 18:33 PM
avatar of CombatMuffin

Posts: 642

You cant play competitively at 300ms, but you can play without being teleported back to your "real" location and you sure as hell wont suffer from hit detection problems as you would in a game such as counter-strike.

For the compstomper? Even 500ms can be played somewhat.
22 Dec 2013, 20:21 PM
avatar of DietBrownie

Posts: 308

We need local searching, I rather wait a significant amount of time instead of playing a match with 3-4 second delay.
23 Dec 2013, 03:09 AM
avatar of What Doth Life?!
Patrion 27

Posts: 1664

We need local searching, I rather wait a significant amount of time instead of playing a match with 3-4 second delay.

This would be nice as we'd be able to friend players who are close by for custom games as well.
23 Dec 2013, 10:57 AM
avatar of PaRaNo1a
Patrion 26

Posts: 600

We need local searching, I rather wait a significant amount of time instead of playing a match with 3-4 second delay.

That would cost a lot of money. And from SEGA/Relic side would be a fail investment since the community is not centralized. P2P is the cheapest and most effective way to go in this situation to be honest.
23 Dec 2013, 15:54 PM
avatar of Inverse
Coder Red Badge

Posts: 1678 | Subs: 5

It's never going to happen with such a small playerbase because it affects the players who don't care what region their opponents are from just as much as it affects the players who do care. You can't fragment the automatch population at all because it would be nigh-impossible to get matches. Most people don't want to wait 20 minutes for a game.
23 Dec 2013, 16:30 PM
avatar of theking10

Posts: 46

jump backJump back to quoted post23 Dec 2013, 15:54 PMInverse
It's never going to happen with such a small playerbase because it affects the players who don't care what region their opponents are from just as much as it affects the players who do care. You can't fragment the automatch population at all because it would be nigh-impossible to get matches. Most people don't want to wait 20 minutes for a game.

This is why lobbies should be implemented giving people the choice , there is no need to choose one or the other, people should have both.

One thing I hate about CoH 2 are the restrictions ,either automatch 500 vp with someone from china or go through a timely, unproductive and frustrating process of adding every single player you want to play to your steam friends list.

You can now invite players to games but its still a hassle and will never be as easy or user friendly as a proper lobby.
23 Dec 2013, 23:01 PM
avatar of herr anfsim

Posts: 247

This is why lobbies should be implemented giving people the choice , there is no need to choose one or the other, people should have both.

One thing I hate about CoH 2 are the restrictions ,either automatch 500 vp with someone from china or go through a timely, unproductive and frustrating process of adding every single player you want to play to your steam friends list.

You can now invite players to games but its still a hassle and will never be as easy or user friendly as a proper lobby.

I agree. Right now automatch has too many, to me, gamebreaking limitations, and im tired of laggy games, random maps and a gamemode I dont like that much. I think the game would have more players if they included such basic features.

Whats annoying me the most is how Noun and Relic played the whole "lobby-thing", pretending like nothing hoping people would buy the game before realising it didnt even have a basic public lobbies.
23 Dec 2013, 23:14 PM
avatar of WiFiDi
Honorary Member Badge

Posts: 3293

tbh i never saw any good things with the lobby system because they were all stacked teams looking to stomp randoms.

but playing scheldt would be easier. :D
24 Dec 2013, 01:46 AM
avatar of ZombiFrancis

Posts: 2742

Hey, letting the Scheldt players play their Scheldt, Basic matchers their stacked teams, and competitive players their ranked automatch worked out quite fabulously for vCoH I thought.
24 Dec 2013, 03:19 AM
avatar of theking10

Posts: 46

jump backJump back to quoted post23 Dec 2013, 23:14 PMWiFiDi
tbh i never saw any good things with the lobby system because they were all stacked teams looking to stomp randoms.

but playing scheldt would be easier. :D

well you can always leave the game if teams are stacked no one forces you to stay + you can just bring some of your friends with you and even the teams anyway.
24 Dec 2013, 04:35 AM
avatar of Turtle

Posts: 401

Sounds like whatever Relic is working on might help their peer to peer setup overall if it works. Hopefully they can write these upgrades off as part of an overall engine upgrade for whatever their next project for Sega is. Much like how CoH1 only got its last balance patch due to CoHO.

As for more dead horse lobby talk:
It's not always apparent when the lobby is getting stacked, or any other kind of shenanigans. It's also not the job of the player, eager just to get in a game, to do all the work to find a fun game.

Lastly, I have a regular gaming group, but they're not available to play at all times. Not only that, different people have groups of different skill or preferences.

No lobbies, ever. People need to be directed straight into automatch, not sitting around in lobbies encountering toxic players and toxic game setups.

You have public chat, needs a bit more work, but if you want to make a lobby, invite people or make friends there to invite later.

You can't ask for better automatch, then turn around and ask for lobbies, which work against it.

Sadly, the problem isn't so much lack of local search, but a lack of players.
24 Dec 2013, 08:01 AM
avatar of WiFiDi
Honorary Member Badge

Posts: 3293

well you can always leave the game if teams are stacked no one forces you to stay + you can just bring some of your friends with you and even the teams anyway.

a lot of what i saw was players making a game stacking 1 team then having another one of there friends join the other team and right when the game starts drop the other player. causing an uneven match i didn't stick around on that and went to auto match, that and i preferred vp games with standard resources which lobby never had. i think a way to minimize this is to make lobby games unranked. but showing the auto-match rank to get a estimation of skill.

jump backJump back to quoted post24 Dec 2013, 04:35 AMTurtle
It's also not the job of the player, eager just to get in a game, to do all the work to find a fun game.

24 Dec 2013, 10:44 AM
avatar of herr anfsim

Posts: 247

jump backJump back to quoted post24 Dec 2013, 04:35 AMTurtle

As for more dead horse lobby talk:
It's not always apparent when the lobby is getting stacked, or any other kind of shenanigans. It's also not the job of the player, eager just to get in a game, to do all the work to find a fun game.

Lastly, I have a regular gaming group, but they're not available to play at all times. Not only that, different people have groups of different skill or preferences.

No lobbies, ever. People need to be directed straight into automatch, not sitting around in lobbies encountering toxic players and toxic game setups.

You have public chat, needs a bit more work, but if you want to make a lobby, invite people or make friends there to invite later.

The easy solution, if you were unhappy with lobbies, would be to continue to play automatch, easy as that. If you think finding a game is to hard, then dont. Noone would be forcing you. I have had a lot of great balanced games using the public lobbies in vCOH and I am sad to se that option gone in the sequel.
24 Dec 2013, 15:47 PM
avatar of theking10

Posts: 46

Having lobbies unranked is perfectly fine with me , I am not interested in rank my only goal is to play the game my way with my choice of map and my game rules (annihilate).

To the people saying they don't like the idea of lobbies that's fine don't use them , but the players who want to use lobbies should have that freedom of choice to do so with all the added benefits of not playing someone from India and getting huge lag .
24 Dec 2013, 15:56 PM
avatar of Inverse
Coder Red Badge

Posts: 1678 | Subs: 5

The problem is, lobbies shrink the player pool even more. It was impossible to get ranked 3v3s/4v4s in vCoH because everybody who played those modes made lobbies and kicked anyone that was too good or too bad. The best part of CoHO was being able to find a 3v3 on Red Ball in like 3 minutes. It was great.

CoH2's playerbase is just too tiny. I think it's smart to limit the ways to find games currently, because it forces everybody into the same pool of players and makes finding games a lot quicker. When you only have a few thousand people playing your game at any given time, and when the majority of those players are playing campaign or AI skirmishes, you need to avoid fragmenting the playerbase as best as you can.
24 Dec 2013, 16:08 PM
avatar of cataclaw

Posts: 523

jump backJump back to quoted post24 Dec 2013, 15:56 PMInverse
The problem is, lobbies shrink the player pool even more. It was impossible to get ranked 3v3s/4v4s in vCoH because everybody who played those modes made lobbies and kicked anyone that was too good or too bad. The best part of CoHO was being able to find a 3v3 on Red Ball in like 3 minutes. It was great.

CoH2's playerbase is just too tiny. I think it's smart to limit the ways to find games currently, because it forces everybody into the same pool of players and makes finding games a lot quicker. When you only have a few thousand people playing your game at any given time, and when the majority of those players are playing campaign or AI skirmishes, you need to avoid fragmenting the playerbase as best as you can.

TL;DR^ Splitting up the community right now would just make CoH2 more dead.
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