I'm using -forceactive option, don't remember why.
I think I found something in warnings.log:
18:00:04.25 ARC -- C:\Users\sj\Documents\My Games\Company of Heroes 2\mods\scenarios\4p_bystraya_voda.sga 2681466 [0]
18:00:04.33 SCENARIO -- Failed to open stream for Scenario 'DATA:scenarios\sp\coh2_campaign\m02-scorched_earth\scorched_earth_02_03nis.info'
18:00:04.34 SCENARIO -- Failed to open stream for Scenario 'DATA:scenarios\tow\scenarios\1941_moscow\1941_moscow_art_v1_ro.info'
18:00:04.38 GAME -- (WorldManager) Cannot find original scenario "2P_COH2_SnowTown" referenced from data:scenarios\tow\challenges\horde.scenref
My RelicCoH2.module file should be in stock condition, I've not changed anything.
;; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
;; File : RelicCoH2.module
;; Desc : RelicCoH2 Mod descriptor file.
;; (c) 2011 Relic Entertainment
;; Name must match the one in pipeline.ini
UIName = $1080
Description = Company of Heroes 2
DllName = WW2Mod
ModVersion = 1.0
SpeechManagerCache = SpeechManagerCoH2.cache
ScenarioPackFolder = mods\scenarios
PostGameBehavior = showpostgamestats
PlayerDropBehavior = aitakeover
folder.01 = CoH2\Locale\English
folder.01 = CoH2\Locale\French
folder.01 = CoH2\Locale\Italian
folder.01 = CoH2\Locale\German
folder.01 = CoH2\Locale\Spanish
folder.01 = CoH2\Locale\Polish
folder.01 = CoH2\Locale\Russian
folder.01 = CoH2\Locale\Czech
archive.01 = CoH2\Archives\AttribArchive
;; Map preview alias (to allow deletions)
folder = CoH2\DataPreview
;; Also map preview folders as overlays on data
folder = CoH2\DataPreview
folder = CoH2\Movies
required = 1
folder = CoH2\Data
archive.01 = CoH2\Archives\Data
archive.02 = CoH2\Archives\Sound
archive.03 = CoH2\Archives\MPScenarios
archive.04 = CoH2\Archives\UI
archive.05 = CoH2\Archives\ArtArmies
archive.06 = CoH2\Archives\ArtEnvironment
archive.07 = CoH2\Archives\ArtGermanEF
archive.08 = CoH2\Archives\ArtSovietEF
folder = CoH2\Data
archive.01 = CoH2\Archives\Autotest
archive.02 = CoH2\Archives\SPScenariosEF
archive.03 = CoH2\Archives\TOWScenarios
archive.04 = CoH2\Archives\DLC1Scenarios
archive.05 = CoH2\Archives\DLC2Scenarios
required = 1
folder = CoH2\DataSoundLow
archive.01 = CoH2\Archives\SoundLow
required = 1
folder = CoH2\DataSoundHigh
archive.01 = CoH2\Archives\SoundHigh
required = 1
folder = CoH2\DataArtLow
archive.01 = CoH2\Archives\ArtLow
required = 1
folder = CoH2\DataArtHigh
archive.01 = CoH2\Archives\ArtHigh
required = 1
folder = CoH2\locale\english
archive.01 = CoH2\Archives\SoundSpeechEnglish
folder = CoH2\locale\english
archive.01 = CoH2\Archives\SoundSPSpeechEFEnglish
archive.02 = CoH2\Archives\SoundSpeechDLCEnglish
folder = CoH2\locale\french
archive.01 = CoH2\Archives\SoundSpeechFrench
archive.02 = CoH2\Archives\SoundSPSpeechEFFrench
archive.03 = CoH2\Archives\SoundSpeechDLCFrench
folder = CoH2\locale\italian
archive.01 = CoH2\Archives\SoundSpeechEnglish
archive.02 = CoH2\Archives\SoundSPSpeechEFEnglish
archive.03 = CoH2\Archives\SoundSpeechDLCEnglish
folder = CoH2\locale\german
archive.01 = CoH2\Archives\SoundSpeechGerman
archive.02 = CoH2\Archives\SoundSPSpeechEFGerman
archive.03 = CoH2\Archives\SoundSpeechDLCGerman
folder = CoH2\locale\spanish
archive.01 = CoH2\Archives\SoundSpeechSpanish
archive.02 = CoH2\Archives\SoundSPSpeechEFSpanish
archive.03 = CoH2\Archives\SoundSpeechDLCSpanish
folder = CoH2\locale\polish
archive.01 = CoH2\Archives\SoundSpeechPolish
archive.02 = CoH2\Archives\SoundSPSpeechEFPolish
archive.03 = CoH2\Archives\SoundSpeechDLCPolish
folder = CoH2\locale\russian
archive.01 = CoH2\Archives\SoundSpeechRussian
archive.02 = CoH2\Archives\SoundSPSpeechEFRussian
archive.03 = CoH2\Archives\SoundSpeechDLCRussian
folder = CoH2\locale\czech
archive.01 = CoH2\Archives\SoundSpeechEnglish
archive.02 = CoH2\Archives\SoundSPSpeechEFEnglish
archive.03 = CoH2\Archives\SoundSpeechDLCEnglish