Set in the Augarten Park in Vienna, where in 1944 the germans built a pair of flak towers to deter the allies from doing air raids. These two flak towers still stand to this day.
This is meant to be a competitive 2v2 map. It is around the same size as the larger 2v2 maps, and features a whiteflash-esq nexus/crossroads 6 standard points per side. Has more centerally located high fuel and muni than a typical 2v2 map, but this is done to offset having 6 standard points. Any feedback is appreciated, and nothing in the map is set in stone. One thing that I've had initial feedback on, but no testing to back up concerns has been the raised VP in the middle. I have done a bit of testing on it and to me it seems like it will be worse than it is, just give it a try.