i try to improve gameplay so i watch best player in coh2

at 1:19 BEST coh2 player brosras outIQ's kimbo by expecting where he will put down his mg42 and putting cons outside of range
2:35 he afk's from game to use his insane brain to know where the grens are in fow to decide to not retreat his engineers
at 4:03 his cat (or anime girlfriend, idk) touches mouse which makes him move it towards the sniper hiding in FOW, BIG unluck and i hope he told his cat to go away, cause cats are annoying while being focused on playing vs GOOD players stuve and budget prodi.
now, i am not as good as brosras at the game, but i will make prediction like he makes predictions in game:
brosras and arta will beat anyone in tournament UNTIL the final rounds where referees are supposed to watch via shared screen. Suddenly brosras wont be as good, or even better: he will drop out with some lame excuse.

Oh and btw: Relic wants everyone to upload any BIG outplays performed by brosras, especially those replays vs the 2 korean maphackers (even though that alone would be sufficient proof of brosras having 500 iq).

also sturmpanther, in case u are scared of consequences for banning him, http://www.europarl.europa.eu/document/activities/cont/201301/20130129ATT59967/20130129ATT59967EN.pdf <- even germany/europe has witness protection program.