A little i was sleeping in some moments i know i shouldnt banking manpower but i didnt know for what i should use it.. in replay i noticed i had the most Manpower resources than all 3 players. Could you tell me? for what example i should use this.. i didnt feel i need pz iv , jagpanzer or just panther i was waiting for moment and i called KT but my mate said its horrible tank.. also i didnt lose any units probably more than half game max i lost one volks and halftruck. and sometimes mg but everytime i was taking that.
Here you can see how i got two shermans from shooting KT the strangest thing happend here!
If anyone would watch this replay and tell me what was my mistakes? because i wanna improve my Oberkomando micro / skill because its my favourite faction.. later is brit = wehr at the same time but more wehr
Name of replay because i got two shermans which destroyed allies in the last minute of replay. Was funny anyway for us obviously.