At least they know how to work together but damn bad built route indeed. Early game we kinda had it in the bag covering almost all of the map until we screw up with combining forces and poor decision making. I tried to plant mine and demo charges, it work well covering the flanks and neutralizing a squad trying to take control point but karma strikes me. What I didn't get it are the two
usf built route. First was the triple stuarts in which he could have save it for getting the major and sherman since the enemy is spamming infantry. Second was the rear echelon spams and tank traps which really help the Axis players to use as green cover. No Veteran riflemen spam, I mean come on both of you use rifle company so at least spam vet riflemen and upgrade with those lovely flamethrower. Intel bulletin is really weird especially with the m10 intel bulletin like come on you don't even have armor company in your commander selection.
I also made bad decision on my infantry as I lost all of my conscript squads for stupid choices which shouldn't happen and shock troops fail since the enemy know what they are doing. Made a mistake using the KV-1 but I had no choice since we were losing and we need to push the objective in the middle. Basically that's it.