Uploaded to highlight the war spoils commander for OKW, the Scavanger doctrine. I salvaged multiple wrecks this game and I feel the Light Jaegar Infantry squad has an incredible amount of synergy with the flak HT. Love the whole doctrine, especially since it gives a reliable counter to massed infantry via infiltration grendades (10 muni for 5 nades?!) and the Ostwind.
I feel that the weakest thing about OKW at the moment is their lack of a well armoured anti-infantry tank, similiar to the T-34, P4, Sherman or Ostwind. Makes it tricky when the only viable option in the Panzer II comes from the most expensive tech structure.
Bug 1: Has anyone experienced this bug with the OKW infantry support gun where it ceases to function even after it has been recrewed? Wasted a fair bit of time trying to figure out that bug this game, but it has a huge impact consider the unit is rather expensive! Needed it badly to flush out the HMG as well.
Bug 2: False alarm to mine bug. Sherman avoided the mine and artillery hit the mine

Never ever bad manner gg your opponent! A lesson never learned.
~60 mins.