I believe one player Sismonti is using a maphack based on the gameplay and a review of the replay.
He continually targets my (Hon3ynuts) Units in the fog of war using artillery despite having no vision or any knowledge whatsoever that they are there, primarily with pack howitzers
Instances include
4:00 - Targets mine sturmpioneeer laid that he did not see left of bot CP
4:15 - targets volks on Strat point north of south vp
4:20 - camera looks at sturmpioneers left of south VP in an odd position hiding behind bushes no vision
4:40 - camera looks at volks not in vision on south munitions then bombards them
9:45 -targets Raketen north of south VP with no vision
10:00 targets 2 volk squads camping cover with no vison near south vp
11:45 targets raketen and mg nearby OKW med hq
13:13 watches Okw volks on the munitions point no vision
13:20-13:40 Bombards camoflageded JLI left of bottom cutoff that he can't see.
I'm sure there are more instances but I'm not sure what the burden of proof is or what verification process there is but these are just the first things i noticed going through a bit of the replay.