i was just joking... i have no idea who you are or how good you are, for all i know you could be ...and everybody LOVES the sniper mechanics of 2.602, don't they? :-D
no matter who you ask, you can always go wrong...
Nothing about snipers was changed from 2.601. The way the accuracy modifiers play their role also got in the way of easily adjusting things. Regardless, just because the most knowledgeable people get it wrong doesn't mean their opinions are worth as much as anyone's. RTS multiplayer is obviously a pretty complex environment and you just don't get it right in one go.
Also: the MG re-setup time and the reduced cost of Wehr Tier 1 units came completely out of blue if I'm not mistaken.
For competitive objectives, you can listen to the good players, but those objectives don't have to be the developer's objectives. The idea is to sell as many copies as possible: if "increased competivity" through mirrors (still rather speculative, I know) among things leads to CoH 2 being high profile, then that works out. That's assuming there's a proper "e-sporty" thing going, which isn't guaranteed in any way.
Alternatively, if it doesn't go e-sporty, I don't know if people are turned off by the inclusion of mirror matches up to the point where they don't buy the game. I don't know how people would decide without buying the game... maybe the reduced word-of-mouth marketing that would have otherwise gone through people such as yourself seriously damages sales.