Let me introduce this another approach comrades, the oldest but useful.
Build order? I don’t think it is a build order at all. Anyway it would be like this,

Then, stop. See what those Nazi scum are getting. If they rush for a damn halftrack. Get this.

If you really can't deal with that halftrack, call
Then, continue calling them. The Motherland has more than enough.

Then, you should have 8 Conscripts rioting around like what happened at Africa few months ago

This is what you should do comrades. Shoot and throw everything that not belongs to Mother Russia. Throw Molotov at EVERY engagement. Throw AT nades to all Nazi armor. Keep OOHWA them for maximum efficiency. Fuels and cutoffs are major objective. Use your flanking skill. Get into buildings and activate GODMODE if needed. TAKE BACK THE MOTHERLAND.
Buildings? Tech? No need, the Motherland can provide some to us.
Just go and tell those comrades die for the Motherland. If everything goes on plans, we should drain up the Nazi manpower and munition. Meanwhile our manpower and fuel goes up and up, should be floating like 800 manpower and 400 fuel. Then, time to use it.
You have few choice to end this damn war. Use our fuel.
(1) Call in T-34/85 from the Motherland. Ram at any Nazi armor render them useless.
(2) Call in our BBQ meatshield and Stalin's tank. BBQ those NAZI with KV-8
(3) Call in our biggest beast. The true game ender, it one shot any Nazi walking with 2 legs.
Have fun, Comrades.
For anyone who think this is nothing but trolling, here, that's the replay.
Thanks again to Stephennn for being my first tester

The game was casted by Krozzfyre onto Youtube. Thanks a lot