Operation Charlie Fox is a 1v1 Tournament Event that will take place over the last two weekends of September, 2015. An Open Qualification Tournament will narrow the field down to eight players. These players will join four seeded players in The Main Event. The top six places will be paid out via PayPal.
The Open Qualification Tournament is open to everyone. A sign-up thread will go live on Sunday, September 6th, at 15:00h GMT. Register in the sign-up thread with your Steam Name and 17-digit SteamID. Smurfing is prohibited. You must play with the exact Steam Name that you use in your sign-up post. The Registration period ends on Friday, September 18th, at midnight GMT.
* note: We are on Summer Time, so 15:00h GMT = 16:00h BST in London.
Open Qualification Tournament: Sunday, September 20th, 2015
- 13:00h - 14:45h GMT: Check-in Period
- 15:00h GMT: Start of Tournament
Main Event Day 1: Saturday, September 26th, 2015
- 15:00h GMT: Games start
- 15:00h GMT: Games start
- 16:00h GMT: Loser's Bracket Finals Best-of-3
- 18:00h GMT: Grand Finals Best-of-5
Check-in & Communication
On the day of the tournament, all players must check in and idle in the COH2.ORG Steam group chat. How to check in:
- Join the COH2.ORG Steam group chatroom
- Chat the following message: '<Playername> checking in.'
- Check the list on googledocs to see that you've been confirmed by the Referees.
Open Qualification Tournament Round Format & Maps
This is a single-elimination tournament. The Best-of-3 matches follow the traditional format where players take turns playing Allies & Axis for the first two games, and the VP leader chooses faction for the third game (if necessary). Mirror matches are allowed in the Best-of-1 matches, and only in the Best-of-1 matches.
- Round-of-512 (Best-of-1) on Arnhem Checkpoint (if necessary)
- Round-of-256 (Best-of-1) on Angoville Farms
- Round-of-128 (Best-of-3) on Kholodny Summer
- Round-of-64 (Best-of-3) on Semoskiy Winter
- Round-of-32 (Best-of-3) on Arnhem Checkpoint
- Round-of-16 (Best-of-3) on Angoville Farms
Game Settings
- Standard Resources
- Fixed positions (Allies in lower slots 1 or 1/2, Axis in higher slots 2 or 3/4)
In Best-of-1 mirror matches you can un-tick fixed positions.
- 500 Victory Points
Banned Commanders & Bulletins
Banned Commanders:
USF Rifle Company
The British Forces Special Weapons Regiment
The British Forces Vanguard Operation
Wehrmacht Elite Troops
Banned Bulletins:
All bulletins are banned.
Faction Selection
In Best-of-1 Rounds, both players can play any faction they like, including mirror match-ups.
Best-of-3 Rounds will alternate between "Top Player Allies First" and "Bottom Player Allies First," which will be printed under the round names on the Challonge Bracket. "Top Player" refers to the player on the top of the bracket for that round. The picking process is as follows:
- Game 1: Allies Player declares his Army first, then Axis Player declares his Army.
- Remember to write down the Victory Points remaining for the winner of this game.
- Game 2: Players swap sides. Allies Player declares his Army, then Axis Player declares his Army.
- Remember to write down the Victory Points remaining for the winner of this game.
- Game 3 (if necessary) faction picking advantage:
- The VP Leader from first two games declares whether he will play Axis or Allies.
- The VP Loser from first two games declares which specific Army he will play.
- The VP Leader declares which specific Army he will play.
- The VP Leader from first two games declares whether he will play Axis or Allies.
Main Event Round Format & Maps
The Main Event is a double-elimination tournament. 8 qualified players will join 4 seeded players to fight for the championship. All matches are Best-of-3, except for the Grand Finals, which is Best-of-5. All matches will use a veto system to select the map for the match. The Grand Finals will be played on one map for Games 1 & 2, a second map for Games 3 & 4, and a third map for Game 5 (if necessary).
Main Event Map Veto System
The players veto maps in turn to be eliminated from the pool until only one map remains. The player at the top of the bracket gets first veto.
Map Pool:
- Angoville Farms
- Arnhem Checkpoint
- Kholodny Summer
- Semoskiy Winter (new: deep snow reduced)
- Langreskaya (new: VPs centralized)
- Faymonville Approach
- Crossing in the Woods
Grand Finals advantage for the winner of the Winner's Bracket
To compensate for the fact that the Main Event is a double-elimination tournament, and the winner of the Winner's Bracket will go into the Grand Finals without a match loss, this player will get "home field advantage." This player will get to select the first map to be played in Games 1 & 2, and will get faction picking advantage, as follows:
- The Winner's Bracket winner declares whether he will play Axis or Allies.
- The Loser's Bracket winner declares which specific Army he will play.
- The Winner's Bracket winner declares which specific Army he will play.
Result Submission
Save all Replays: All players must save the replay for every game that they play. Only one player has to submit the replays, but the referees may ask for the other player's replay for any reason.
Post the Results: Make a match-thread in the Tournament Forum after the brackets have been released. The threads should be named like this: "R1: PlayerA vs. PlayerB". Use this topic to get in touch with your opponents and the referees. After your match has been played, post the result in the same thread. Be sure to include the winner, the score, and the replay(s).
Upload the Replays and link them in the thread: Once the match is over, one player must upload the replay(s) to our REPLAYS system. Include the Round number and Game number in the title of the replay, like this: "[R1G1] PlayerA vs. PlayerB". For the Main Event, include the Bracket name, Match letter, and Game number, like this: "[WB MatchA G1] PlayerA vs. PlayerB". Once a game is uploaded, find the number of the replay by looking at the URL in your browser. Example:
The number "6067" is the thread ID of the replay. You can use this number to "embed" the replay in a post, like this:
Once your victory has been confirmed, a Referee will put you through to the next round.
If problems occur that require Referee attention, they will be handled on a case-by-case basis. Save replays and take screenshots. Any verbal abuse directed towards Referees, or other players, is cause for immediate disqualification. We expect a high standard of sportsmanship and fair play from participants. All referee decisions are final.
Late arrivals & no-shows
All players must be available in COH2.ORG Steam Group chat, pay attention to match threads, and start their games on time. Players who are more than 10 minutes late for their Round 1 match will be disqualified. After each match, players are given a 10 minute grace period for a break. If they have not started their next round after this period, they will be disqualified.
Feel free to stream your matches during the Open Qualification Tournament. For the Main Event, we request that you do not stream, and allow our Casters to broadcast your games via ObsMode with an 8 minute delay.