Below I've assembled a list of the fuel amounts required to tech up to a particular tech tier.
NB: I've made some underlying assumptions which are asterisked below. This whole thing also implicitly relies on a teching order which I'm assuming is the one the devs intended.
GREEN is threshold for accessing light armor. Here when I say light armor Im referring to early game vehicles which are able to tangle with AT guns reasonably well 1 on 1 as well as fend off infantry in the early-mid game i.e. a true light tank.
RED is threshold for accessing medium armor. Clarification: This refers exclusively to medium tanks.
PURPLE is threshold needed for fully teching.
Comments on values: These values represent the cumulative amount of fuel invested into teching to access particular tech thresholds. They do not take into account any units built, and purely represent the fuel gates which bar access to advanced vehicles/infantry which need to be invested to access them. Rush strats are not accounted for. As such, they are useful as a tech pace guide. Negative values indicate a surplus and the negative mp values are best used to compare faction early game potential.
Intended: T1>T2>T3 or T4
Starting resources: 420 mp, 20 fu
T1: 80 mp, 10 fu (Cumulative required = -340 mp, -10 fu)
BP1: 100 mp, 40 fu
T2: 200 mp, 20 fu (Cumulative required = -40 mp, 50 fu)
BP2: 100 mp, 45 fu
T3: 260 mp, 75 fu (Cumulative required = 320 mp, 170 fu)
BP3: 100 mp, 45 fu
T4: 260 mp, 75 fu (Cumulative required= 580 mp, 290 fu; 420 mp, 215 fu if t3 skip)
Intended: T1 or T2>Nades if required>T3>T4
Starting resources: 390 mp, 50 fu
Grenades: 125 mp, 25 fu
AT grenades: 125 mp, 25 fu
T1: 160 mp, 40 fu (Cumulative required = -230 mp, -10 fu)
T2: 160 mp, 50 fu (Cumulative required = -230 mp, 0 fu)
T3: 240 mp, 80 fu (Cumulative required = 260 mp, 130 fu*; 420mp, 180 fu if both T1+T2)
T4: 240 mp, 90 fu (Cumulative required = 500 mp, 220 fu*; 660 mp, 260 fu if all tiers)
Intended: Ndes+racks> T1 or T2>T3**
Starting resources: 400 mp, 15 fu
Racks: 150 mp, 15 fu
Grenades: 150 mp, 25 fu
T1: 200 mp, 50 fu (Cumulative required = -180 mp*** 75 fu**)
T2: 200 mp, 60 fu (Cumulative required = -180 mp*** 85 fu**)
T3: 240 mp, 120 fu (Cumulative required = 60 mp*** 205 fu**, T2 assumed; -20 mp*** 255 fu for all)
Intended: T1 or T2>T3
Starting resources: 240 mp, 40 fu
T1: 200 mp, 40 fu (Cumulative required = -40 mp, 0 fu)
T2: 200 mp, 40 fu (Cumulative required = -40 mp, 0 fu)
T3: 200 mp, 120 fu*** (Cumulative required = 160 mp, 160 fu****, 360 mp, 220 fu**** for all tiers)
*Assuming sov T2; -10 for T1. Nade costs not added to sov t1 or t2 as I'm thinking sov player will build building before nade.
**Assuming nades and racks. These costs added to LT/Capt cost as I'm assuming that usf player will tech at least nades before LT/Capt.
***Subtracted 280 mp from these costs as USF gets a combat capable squad equivalent to rifles + bar (LT) or rifles + zooks. Major mp cost not subtracted as he is not combat capable. For all tier version, subtracted 560 mp (LT & Capt). To adjust, add 280 mp (560 mp for all tier option)
****Adjusted due to OKW fuel penalty. Starting tier not affected due to starting 40 fuel.
Source of values: