1) It would be good if the filter let us choose the size of the match (1v1, 2v2, etc), the length of the match (maybe type in a number for "max length" or "min length" or something) and maybe other stuff.
2) It would be cool if we could sort by: downloads, honors, date uploaded, or last commented. I dunno what the default is right now.
3) There is no built-in shoutcast support! Just because Relic drops the ball doesn't mean CoH2.org gets to

4) Maybe some kind of built in tournament thing, like, someone can create a tournament with a logo and everything and when you upload a replay you can select which tournament it is from (if any) and it goes into a moderation queue where the tournament organizer can approve or disapprove it, and then in the end you could click on each tournament and find a list of all the replays from the tournament.