Restructuring the commanders is completely doable and restructuring the commanders now is easier to do then when Relic was first putting them together thats for sure, given that we understand how each ability actually works in the game and there is a wider testing area for implementation.
Given those facts if Relic doesn't want to restructure the commanders to have tactical depth, unique abilities and a feeling that commanders are a big deal (not a side show) in every game, then Relic is either lazy or greedy.
I want to make a specific point when I say Relic I don't mean the people at the ground level doing the work, testing and creating. Rather, I'm pointing at whoever are the decision makers at the top who decided it was okay to overlap abilities, some up to five times.
I don't mean to sound harsh, because I love everyone at Relic, I'm trying to help by pointing this out, but the people at the top need to get a grip on this and understand this is a serious problem, and more importantly, that it can and should be fixed. If it were fixed COH2 would be a much better game which in the end, will lead to a better experience for the community as a whole and more $$ for Relic.
Having said that, The new commanders (as you will see) have less overlap and its clear Relic understands my point to a certain level. But the overlap continues and the old commanders absolutely need to be overhauled in order for them to actually feel like commanders.
Take a look at the amount of overlap. Colors represent #of times that an ability overlaps with another commander.
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Instead of having commanders unlock in a strait line, which is boring and tactically shallow, the choice system should be implemented as follows (just an example of what the choice setup is, not an actual commander)