It's a good idea but vs. a good opponent I can't see this working.
The reason being that by the time you bring out the halftrack, the Soviet player can get a Guard squad which your opponent didn't do and floated some manpower.
A better Soviet player would keep his Guard squad close to his snipers meaning that you would have a hard time approaching the sniper(s) with a halftrack.
The halftrack is a good idea though generally vs. soviet snipers as you can reinforce your squads when they get sniped without having to retreat but in that case it's better to keep your halftrack in the background and reinforce from there.
Also, a better Soviet player will lay a lot of mines, which is very dangerous vs. a halftrack because it can then be finished off by Guards. Again, Halftrack great idea but keep it in the background.
That being said, if your opponent doesn't go with Guards, take advantage and go right ahead