Pepsi, Marcus, and THQLynx. Players came home from Eurogamer in a state of euphoria.
Photo by HelpingHans.

12azor, seated, taking notes while Pepsi and Marcus debate the virtues of the new tank “RAM” ability.
Photo by HelpingHans.

The gang gathers round. Guys from Relic News, 12azor, Pepsi, HelpingHans, & Krebs with ear-to-ear grins. We think it’s over COH2 but we’re not sure.

Bobby ‘THQLynx’ Miller showing Marco ‘Marcus2389′ Fiore the pre-Alpha Rzhev Meatgrinder demo

For those about to rock, or command the Red Army, we salute you!

Krebs at the helm, with Marcus2389 behind his right shoulder, doing some backseat driving. Since this was tweeted by @companyheroes, I hope we don’t get in trouble!