The Seeds are in!
$1000 COH2.ORG 1v1 Tourney sponsored by Dr. Wachs Rechtsanwälte saw quite a turn-out during the Sign-ups phase. 206 Players put their names on the list. Could we actually fill all 128 spots? We'll find out after the check-in period on Saturday. Rest assured, this contest is gonna be chock full'a contendahs! Marlon woulda beeen proud.
#1. Jesulin ES |
 | Renowned by Company of Heroes 2 fans simply as "Jesus," the physical incarnation of the father and the holy spirit has dominated the game, as any good deity would, for almost a year. The Spaniard got 3-0'd by BartonPL in the last SNF5 Contender Bout, but has clobbered every opponent since. Jesulin won the Blue Ribbon at Alienware Arena EU Cup and has the highest ladder average in the world. His top seed for this tourney was never in question. |
On the other side of the Atlantic, OMGPOP strode through the Alienware Arena NA Cup without breaking a sweat. The Canadian was runner-up in the SNF5 Championship Title Fight and is feared for early-game knock-out punches, often putting a shock vehicle straight into your base to kill your mans before you know what hit you. |
#3. Twister FR |
 | Nay sayers may look at his ladder position and scoff, but fans of big tourneys know that Twister was the only true challenger to Jesulin, taking 2nd place at Alienware Arena EU. The Frenchman showed us some of the best games of the tourney, taking down Barton 2-1 and Cruzz 2-0 (twice). |
#4. Cruzz FI |
This is a picture of Cruzz. Cruzz is from Finland and has an encyclopedic knowledge of COH2 unit stats. He is quick with the balance observations and can back them up with strong play, taking third place in Alienware Arena EU. Cruzz is 6th in Weighted Ladder Average for tourney registrants. And by the way, that is a picture of Cruzz. Really, it is. |
#5. BartonPL PL |
 | Everybody knows BartonPL. He is a troublemaker, stream troll, fan of chatroulette, and most importanly, a winner. When the competition rises, Barton rises to the competition. The Pole is, after all, the Sunday Night Fights Season 5 Heavyweight Champion of the World. And soap. |
#6. Luvnest DE |
Luvnest is a bit of a new kid on the block. The German doesn't yet have a proper tournament title to his name. He's had some strong showings in ESL events and he is 3rd on the Weighted Ladder Average. Most importantly, he loves carrots. |  |
#7. Aimstrong DK |
Aimstrong is a Company of Heroes legend. He ranks with the likes of Sepha, Siberian Platoon, and DevM. He was able to translate that success into the sequel when he won the TFN World Championship right when the game launched. But since then he has been quiet. Only recently have we seen him shoot up the ladders. The Dane was hard to place amongst the other top seeds, but we are confident that when Simon signs up, he means business. |
#8. VindicareX US |
VindicareX took 2nd place at Alienware Arena NA and has the 7th highest Weighted Ladder Average amongst tourney registrants. The American is a former Dawn of War competitive player, looking to stamp his name permanently on the Company of Heroes 2 scene. This tourney may be his big opportunity. |
Rounding out the Top 25
- 9. vietnam_giap13
- 10. VonIvan
- 11. FeelMemoryAcceptance
- 12. RunToTheSun
- 13. Siberian
- 14. miragefla
- 15. korea_park
- 16. -HOI-PauL.a.D
- 17. Symbiosis
- 18. ihitto
- 19. cataclaw
- 20. Hon3ynuts
- 22. VIPUKS
- 23. CaptainSPrice
- 24. RedxWings
- 25. E-zy
Don't forget to check in!
All players must check in on tournament day. The check-in period opens at 1500h GMT and closes at 1545h GMT on Saturday, December 13th. During that time, join the COH2.ORG Steam Group chatroom and say "<Myname> checking in." Confirm the status of your check-in on the
Registration Spreadsheet. When you are successfully checked in, there will be a "y" by your name, and your registration line will turn green. It might get a little crazy with so many sign-ups, so make sure a Referee recognizes that you are present and that your name row is green on the sheet!
No-shows will be filled with waitlisted players
in the order that they signed up. It is not necessary to check-in as soon as you can. Any player that checks-in during the check-in period will be treated equally, whether they are first to arrive or last. DO NOT be late for the check-in period, no grace will be granted. The brackets will be created and published shortly after the check-in period ends, at or around 1600h GMT.
Who would your top 8 seeds have been? Tell us in the comments.
Vote in the Poll! See you on Saturday!