"Hey, you wanna hear my philosophy of life?
Do it to him before he does it to you."
― Marlon Brando as "Terry" in On the Waterfront
Do it to him before he does it to you."
― Marlon Brando as "Terry" in On the Waterfront

Winter has fallen. The holidays are here. It's the time when we put aside our differences and come together in a spirit of love, togetherness, and generosity. Well hooey with all that. Let's fight! You wanna be a contendah? Throw your name in the hat and get ready to step into the ring. The lights of the grand stage are about to heat up and shine.
We are proud to present the
$1000 COH2.ORG 1v1 Tourney
Sponsored by Dr. Wachs Rechtsanwälte
$1000 COH2.ORG 1v1 Tourney
Sponsored by Dr. Wachs Rechtsanwälte

Saturday, December 13th, 2014- 1500h - 1545h GMT: Check-in Period
- 1600h GMT: Round 1 (128) Best-of-1
- 1700h GMT: Round 2 (64) Best-of-3
- 1830h GMT: Round 3 (32) Best-of-3
- 2000h GMT: Round 4 (16) Best-of-3
Sunday, December 14th, 2014
- 1700h GMT: Round 5 (Quarter-Finals) Best-of-3
- 1900h GMT: Round 6 (Semi-Finals) Best-of-5
Monday, December 15th, 2014
- 1700h GMT: Round 7 (Third Place Game) Best-of-5
- 2000h GMT: Round 7 (Grand Finals) Best-of-5
Signing up and Checking in
Sign-ups open: Saturday November 29th at 1500h GMT
Sign-ups close: Thursday December 11th at 2300h GMT (midnight CET)
A sign-up thread will appear in the Grand Hall on November 29th. There will be 128 spots available on a first-come, first serve basis. Additional players will be added to a Waitlist.
Check-ins open: Saturday December 13th at 1500h GMT
Check-ins close: Saturday December 13th at 1545h GMT
All players (confirmed and waitlisted) must check in on the day during the check-in period. Check in by joining the COH2.ORG Steam Group chat and telling the Referees that you are checking in (i.e. "AmiPolizeiFunk checking in"). We will keep a live spreadsheet on googledocs so that you can confirm that you have checked in and are ready to play. After players are checked-in, the Referees will publish the brackets and you can make your threads and start your games.

Live Broadcasting via OBSMODE!
This is the first Company of Heroes 2 1v1 tournament to be broadcasted live via Observer Mode and COH2.ORG Plaza is appropriately abuzz with activity! The Sunday Night Fights crew is refitting the studio to bring you live coverage of all the hottest games from Yoink Memorial Stadium on a mere 10-minute delay. AmiPolizeiFunk and special guest co-casters will be live on SundayNightFights Twitch.tv channel throughout the tournament, but there will be plenty of content to go around, and there's no reason not to have overlapping streams in multiple languages! If you are interested in streaming games from the tournament, please contact our new Lead Caster, Romeo via PM.
About our Sponsor
Dr. Wachs Rechtsanwälte is a Law Office in Hamburg, Germany, specializing in Media Law, IT Law, and Business Law. The firm is led by a COH2.ORG user and fellow fight fan who has been a constant supporter of Company of Heroes 2 events. Yes, he was the generous benefactor that put up the cash for our Map Making Contest! For more information about the firms legal services, head on over to the Dr. Wachs Rechtsanwälte website. And if you wanna give a personal shout out, you can follow or mention @awa59b on Twitter. Dr. Wachs has done his best to stay out of the spotlight, but we can't help but to try to send some 
Don't Miss Your Shot!
Remember, brawlers, check back to our Grand Hall on November 29th to sign up for the action! Slots will go fast, so be sure to prepare yourself to sign up promptly at 3pm GMT. A complete rule set will be posted in a few days. Find yourself a scrimmage partner and get on your A-game. This is going to be the highlight of the season, so let's make it a series to remember! This is your chance, are you a contedah, or a pizdah?Don't be this guy. Don't punch a one way ticket to Palookaville!